Breastfeeding during COVID-19
There is currently no evidence that COVID-19 is transmitted through breastmilk. Here are some tips to help keep parents and infants safe while breastfeeding during the time of coronavirus.
I am a lactating mother with a suspected, probable, or confirmed case of COVID-19
Continue exclusive breastfeeding up to 6 months.
At 6 months, introduce other foods and continue to breastfeed up to 24 months.
Maintain physical distance (at least 1 metre) while breastfeeding and avoid your touching eyes, nose and mouth.
I am a lactating mother who is ill and unable to breastfeed or express breastmilk.
Give your infant Ready-to-Use Infant Formula if he or she is under 6 months.
Give your child ultra-heat-treated milk and complementary food if he or she is 6-23 months.
You should give your child milk using a cup with a wide mouth or with a cup and spoon.
I have a confirmed case of COVID-19 and have therefore been separated from my child while I recover.
If you are a mother and are COVID-19 positive, you should continue breastfeeding and should not be separated from your infant unless you are too ill or too weak to breastfeed or express milk.
If your infant is 0-6 months old, they should be fed with Ready-to-Use Infant Formula.
If your child is 6-24 months old, they should be fed with ultra-heat-treated milk and complementary food.
Milk should be given to your child using a cup with a wide mouth or with a cup and spoon.

Remember to maintain respiratory hygiene while feeding your child.
Always wash your hands with soap and water before and after touching your infant.
Routinely clean surfaces with soap and water which you have recently touched.
If you have respiratory symptoms, it is recommended to use a face mask when caring for your infant.
Maintain physical distancing from other people and avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
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